Who We Are

Dr. Josh Ray is a licensed Physical Therapist, board-certified Orthopaedic Clinical Specialist, and USA Track & Field running coach. His background in rehabilitating runners allows him to provide evidence-informed run coaching to boost performance and prevent injury. As much as he enjoys helping runners recover from injury, he believes a balanced training approach is powerful to prevent injuries in the first place. Coach Josh is passionate about helping runners stay injury-free while crushing their running goals.

At RAY Endurance, we offer a unique blend of movement screen and consultation with a licensed physical therapist, virtual run coaching, and customized training plans that progress as you improve. Whether your primary aim is to improve your race performance or to enjoy the mental and physical benefits of running, let us make your goals into reality!

Our holistic approach is all about molding you into a stronger, faster, more resilient runner and enabling you to get the most out of yourself. We believe that endurance athletics advance individual strength & resilience as well as community wellness & belonging. We hope for you to find joy in running as a life-long sport.